Monday, March 22, 2010

things only God can do.

+my tennis shoes had too many holes to count, and the rubber on the soles were all torn off--needless to say, I was in desperate need of some new kicks! I checked the ads and found a sweet pair on sale at kohls. (they're green!) it was here that I was able to give a tract to my cashier, Joyce.
+later this day after my brothers indoor track meet, my family went out to eat at a restaurant in lincoln called virginia's. very good. you should go there. we left a tract with our waitress.

+me and my siblings had our own little lunch at mama's pizza. it was a blast. the four of us consumed a large meat-lovers pizza and a dessert cookie with ice cream. we left a tract for our busser.

+coming back from break, I had no healthy food in my dorm so I made a wal-mart run to grab some fruits and vegetables. on my way out I asked the man who sits by the door if he had ever seen a tract before. he glanced at it and said he had and I asked him what his answer was to the question. he said he's been saved for a few years. praise the Lord! I continued to walk and passed a smoking man outside, I gave him a tract and he said someone gave him one yesterday. I asked if he read it and he said no. I continued to hand it to him and asked him to read it before he went to bed. immediately I was reminded of what my pastor had said on our missions trip. "statistically" it takes a person seven times to hear the gospel before they actually get it. I believe I could just be one of those seven people that was placed in that mans life. I prayed for his salvation.

+out gospeling, my friend and I wanted to talk to a girl, but we quickly found out she was deaf. I have never had this happen before where I couldn't engage in conversation, but--all I had to do was do what I've been doing the last three months, and that was simply just hand her a tract. it's nothing that we do anyway, but all by the power of God that speaks to one's heart.
+a little down the way my friend and I talked to a girl. Rebecca was going to class so it was kind of fast, but it was still a good convo. we left her with a tract and an invite to the rock.
+my friend and I parted ways, and I was thinking about lunch! but God wasn't finished with my gospeling adventure yet. remember my new custodian friend? Teresa was sitting on a bench in the mav walkway. I hadn't seen her in awhile, or since I had given her the tract, actually. I said hello and we small talked, and THEN! she told me she read the tract I had given her!!!! no one has ever brought that back up in conversation after I give it to them and say "tell me what you think." she told me her thoughts and we ended up having a really good conversation. I shared the gospel and hopefully explained things in a way that helped. I don't know exactly where her heart is but she definitely had that desire to know for certain. I encouraged her to keep praying. I also felt it was appropriate to invite her to church. maybe she will come. I continue to pray for her and I am encouraged that God is working in her heart.

I was reminded of what I read in a book I'm currently reading, Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby:
---"People will not seek God or pursue spiritual matters unless the Spirit of God is at work in their lives. Suppose a neighbor, a colleague, or one of your children begins to inquire about spiritual issues. You do not have to question whether God is drawing that individual. He is the only One who can do that. If they're asking, God is at work."

Philippians 3:3b
We rely on what Christ Jesus has done for us. We put no confidence in human effort.

1 comment:

  1. This is just so encouraging! Thanks for your example love!
