Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"whatsoever He saith unto you, do it"

+I handed a tract to a girl walking out of the fine arts building this night.

+had a coupon for bath & body works, so I gave a tract to my cashier, Diane.
+my GA for my p&a lab did not show up this day for class, but some of us waited for awhile anyway. I ended up walking out with a girl named Alison. I actually had my very first college class ever with this girl, intro to comp, 3 years ago! I had remembered her and have been praying for an opportunity. here it was! as we parted ways I handed her the tract. again, it's so funny who God will bring back into your life. man have I learned so much from Him since then.

+had to stop and get some necessities at baker's. I gave a tract to my kind cashier, Caya.

+walking out of hper after class, I ended up by another fellow classmate. we talked about nothiningness (class, test scores, boring world stuff...) and as he started to walk away I handed him a tract. Rick also lifeguards with Brian (a guy I had given a tract to awhile ago) during my swimming class so I see them often. maybe they will talk about it. maybe they will turn to Christ.
+my college friends all ate at arby's this day as well. I was one of the last to order and my cashier asked what we were a part of. I explained and asked if anyone had given him a tract yet. he said no, so I handed him one. I prayed for him.

+after church we all ate out at taco bell. I hadn't given out my tract yet, so I selfishly went first in line, so I could give my tract to Ron. he asked what it was about and I said, Jesus. he kind of just smiled and shook his head, while he set it to the side. but I still think he'll read it.
+another cool story, these random high schoolers walked in and one guy asked us if we were all together, and what group we were a part of. we all started scrambling for tracts & literature-my sister handed him info and some of our brothers went over to him and shared the gospel. how crazy he just--asked us who we were! I pray he gets saved and would come to church or the rock sometime.

+walking back to the dorm from the parking garage, I knew I still hadn't given out a tract. I prayed, and then there was one girl just sitting at a picnic table. thank you God for nice weather, picnic tables, and a girl!!

+on my way to a meeting, I stuck two tracts in my pocket. walking past me was a guy and girl. I handed them both a tract.

+I had a meeting with a professor today. on my way to his office, I ran into another classmate. he is in my swimming lane for class. it's quite difficult to hand a tract to someone in the water so it's been more challenging to reach that class, but God still provided! he took the track kindly and said he would read it. we do these cool down "walk and talks" when we're all done with our swimming workouts, so I'm anxious to see what Andrew will say the next time we have class.

Isaiah 26:12
Lord, You will grant us peace; all we have accomplished is really from You.

Monday, March 22, 2010

things only God can do.

+my tennis shoes had too many holes to count, and the rubber on the soles were all torn off--needless to say, I was in desperate need of some new kicks! I checked the ads and found a sweet pair on sale at kohls. (they're green!) it was here that I was able to give a tract to my cashier, Joyce.
+later this day after my brothers indoor track meet, my family went out to eat at a restaurant in lincoln called virginia's. very good. you should go there. we left a tract with our waitress.

+me and my siblings had our own little lunch at mama's pizza. it was a blast. the four of us consumed a large meat-lovers pizza and a dessert cookie with ice cream. we left a tract for our busser.

+coming back from break, I had no healthy food in my dorm so I made a wal-mart run to grab some fruits and vegetables. on my way out I asked the man who sits by the door if he had ever seen a tract before. he glanced at it and said he had and I asked him what his answer was to the question. he said he's been saved for a few years. praise the Lord! I continued to walk and passed a smoking man outside, I gave him a tract and he said someone gave him one yesterday. I asked if he read it and he said no. I continued to hand it to him and asked him to read it before he went to bed. immediately I was reminded of what my pastor had said on our missions trip. "statistically" it takes a person seven times to hear the gospel before they actually get it. I believe I could just be one of those seven people that was placed in that mans life. I prayed for his salvation.

+out gospeling, my friend and I wanted to talk to a girl, but we quickly found out she was deaf. I have never had this happen before where I couldn't engage in conversation, but--all I had to do was do what I've been doing the last three months, and that was simply just hand her a tract. it's nothing that we do anyway, but all by the power of God that speaks to one's heart.
+a little down the way my friend and I talked to a girl. Rebecca was going to class so it was kind of fast, but it was still a good convo. we left her with a tract and an invite to the rock.
+my friend and I parted ways, and I was thinking about lunch! but God wasn't finished with my gospeling adventure yet. remember my new custodian friend? Teresa was sitting on a bench in the mav walkway. I hadn't seen her in awhile, or since I had given her the tract, actually. I said hello and we small talked, and THEN! she told me she read the tract I had given her!!!! no one has ever brought that back up in conversation after I give it to them and say "tell me what you think." she told me her thoughts and we ended up having a really good conversation. I shared the gospel and hopefully explained things in a way that helped. I don't know exactly where her heart is but she definitely had that desire to know for certain. I encouraged her to keep praying. I also felt it was appropriate to invite her to church. maybe she will come. I continue to pray for her and I am encouraged that God is working in her heart.

I was reminded of what I read in a book I'm currently reading, Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby:
---"People will not seek God or pursue spiritual matters unless the Spirit of God is at work in their lives. Suppose a neighbor, a colleague, or one of your children begins to inquire about spiritual issues. You do not have to question whether God is drawing that individual. He is the only One who can do that. If they're asking, God is at work."

Philippians 3:3b
We rely on what Christ Jesus has done for us. We put no confidence in human effort.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


+this past week I traveled to northern iowa for a missions trip with my church. on this day, one of our cars needed fluid or something, so we stopped at a gas station for about half an hour. I stepped inside and handed a tract to a woman deciding what snack she was going to purchase. when I gave it to her she said "are you serious?" I replied with a "yes" and thought she wasn't going to accept it by her tone of voice. but, she took it with surprise and a smile and continued looking for a snack.

+in the little iowa town of decorah there were a lot of runners/walkers on the main street, close to where the church was. a sister and I were walking and I handed two girls that we passed a tract.

+on one of the days we went door to door to collect canned goods for a food bank. I handed a tract to a woman walking in her neighborhood.

+this day we were out can food driving again and I gave a tract to a man that had given me some cans.

+today I went to whole foods with my sister and mom. we went to the register to pay, and I asked my cashier if she had ever seen this tract before. she said yes, so, I kept it. I then began looking for another person. I saw a man behind the counter at customer service, but as soon as I was going to walk over there, he picked up his phone. aw man! but then mom encouraged me to give it to this guy that was going to pass us up ahead who also worked for the store. I handed it to him and he received it with an "ok." as we turned to go out the doors, I couldn't help but look back, and he had actually walked over to the customer service desk, and handed it to the man behind the counter, and he was flipping through it! hahaha! I freaked out and my mom and sister laughed at me. God got that man the Good News, regardless if he was busy when I had passed him. little things like this just bless my day, I love the Lord so much! I pray that booklet starts conversation amongst their workplace, and that God would be working in their hearts.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

technology to tract.

+walking home from class, I gave a student a tract, telling him it was about Jesus and that it changed my life.

+after church me and my friend went to qdoba for some chow. the man behind me in line was on his cell phone and I interrupted him and handed him a tract. he kind of chuckled after I told him what it was about, but he accepted it, and put his phone aside for a minute to read it. I pray he thinks about the message he read on the back before he goes to sleep tonight.

Friday, March 12, 2010

gospel minded.

+went out sharing, the first girl we sat by was 90% sure, and understood that she had never accepted Christ, but wanted to. we didn't pray right there, but I firmly asked her to read the tract before she went to bed that night.
+walking away, I noticed one of my classmates that I've been praying for sitting by herself. we actually walked passed her, and I told my friend, "we have to go back." the night before I had actually just specifically written her name down on my prayer list, this had to be God leading! we talked, and Katherine said she had actually been approached before, "probably by our friends." she was really content with the idea that everyone was going to heaven. she had read a tract and told me that I should just keep mine. this wasn't what I was hoping for, but God still answered my prayer in giving me that opportunity to talk to her. God can break through. and, she still has to see me in class for the rest of the semester...Lord, use me!

+a friend and I went to dinner at jason's deli. long ago I worked at applebee's and my old manager was now working here! Arturo was one of my favorites. it was good to catch up with him, and he gave me 50% off my meal! yes! I gave him a million dollar tract and was encouraged when I saw him intently reading it as we sat down to our booth. I also gave one to the guy that we paid at the register. maybe they will talk about it. I really just love it when God brings past friends into my life to give tracts to. all day I had been anxiously awaiting to go there, planning to give a tract, and He put someone I knew right in that place. He is so creative! I pray they get saved.
+later, I had to take care of an inventory with one of my residents. we finished and were just chatting, and then he asked me if I was a part of the rock, and I said yes and then eventually it led into the gospel! his roommate actually slammed the door on us while we were talking, but I was immediately reminded of Romans 1:16. I pray Dan gets saved, and would get the courage to come to the rock one night.

+stopped by taco bell, and handed one of the workers a tract.

+another late nighter, I was walking out trying to find a pagan and actually ran into one of my favorite people ever! if you've read the beginning of my blog, it was actually the sister that challenged me to give out a tract a day. she offered me a ride back to my dorm, but I told her I was on my tract mission still. she got out, and went with me to find someone. all of the sudden this mass of people came out of the parking garage. we awkwardly weaseled our way into the middle to a girl and I handed her a tract. I think I startled her because I was wearing my hood and she took a couple steps back, but I trust she'll remember it and read the tract. I have no idea why God led me to her specifically, and I felt like a fool, but I trust He will use it and I pray for her salvation.

Monday, March 8, 2010

salvation is of Christ the Lord.

+as I left hper this day, I handed a tract to a girl walking in.

+I got home late this night, and was afraid no one would be out on campus. while I was exiting the parking garage however, I heard some loud voices from a car in the turn-around right behind my building. I don't normally walk that way, but I had prayed God would give me someone, and He did, I just had to take a slightly different route to get there. natalie was walking to her dorm while I handed her a tract.

+this day I was visiting my amazing mom at the hospital. as I left, there was a mom and her son sitting on a bench. I handed them a tract. the lady on the bench next to them saw me and I then asked her if she would like one too. she gave me a confident "yes" with a head nod.

+our kitchen trash was full, so I took it out, along with my armor, of course. as I was returning to my dorm I handed a guy a tract who was on his way to the dumpster.

+I am thankful for a job where I can freely share the gospel..for the most part anyway. I was actually on my rounds tonight when I passed a guy smoking and handed him a tract. I prayed for him. giving out the Good News always puts a little bit more spunk to my step. what a privilege we have to share this Truth.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

one or two..

+a friend and I made a late-night run to walmart for a friend. she was a little under the weather and we decided to pick up a few things for her. we tried to leave a tract with a girl who helped us find cotton candy (our friend's favorite!), but she said she had read a tract before, and that she was a christian! so, when we checked out we left one with Krystal instead. she said she had read one, but kept looking at mine, like she was interested. I told her just to keep it, and asked her to read it again. sometimes, it just takes people more than one time to hear the gospel, to understand it. and that's ok. I pray that it sinks in a little deeper this time.

Monday, March 1, 2010

monday march madness.

+it's march! I heard a bird chirping on my way to class, it was a glorious sound. anyway, today my friend and I talked to Nadia today. she grew up muslim but is questioning things now and not strongly practicing, if that makes sense. we talked to her for a long time, both asking questions about each others faith, and sharing why Christ is different than any other prophet or religious leader. she was very kind and asked us for our emails. I pray God clarifies all of her questions, and that she makes Christ her Lord and Savior.
+while we walked away there were two marines sitting on a bench. I handed both of them million dollar tracts and thanked them for their service to our country.
+back in the mav village walkway our new custodian, Teresa was taking a break. I small talked with her, getting to know her a little bit more. she is great. as we parted ways I handed her a tract. she told me she would read it on her break. I pray she talks to me about it and that she comes to know Christ personally.

Proverbs 1:7a
Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge.