Sunday, April 4, 2010


+this day I got a little creative. I stopped at the bank to cash a check and as I grabbed my money, I left a "do you know for certain?" tract in the little circle container, you know, at the teller window. (what are those called?) now, I'm not certain if the teller will get it, or the person who came after me, but I trust God allowed someone to see it.

+with that cash, I stopped at bucky's on my way to a visit home, and paid Connie. I also left her with a million dollar tract.

+on my lunch break from work I was craving a salty snack. I stopped in at shopko and looked around for a bit. I decided to just purchase some cheese ritz bits and leave Carol a tract.

+it was a late nighter, (man--I am so thankful for a college campus where someone is always awake!) and I was wondering around, praying, and ended up giving a tract to a guy walking quickly by. I asked if he would read it and he responded with a "heck yeah!"

+for some odd reason, after stuffing my face all day with grandma's noodles this easter sunday, I was still hungry and craving some ice cream. so late tonight, I unusually left my dorm, and drove down to wendy's for a chocolate frosty. mmm. I left my tract with April. It's weird because normally once I'm in for the night-I'm in. but I left on a little adventure. I prayed for her and the other workers at wendy's.

Isaiah 32:20
The Lord will bless His people. Wherever they plant seed, bountiful crops will spring up.

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