+failed to pack a lunch for work this day so I went to the cheapest place to dine-taco bell! I gave a tract to the man who handed me my delicious-oh-so-not-healthy meal. he seemed grateful for the tract.
+happy golden birthday to my sister! she rocks! and loves anything mexican. so! we went to a salvadorian (?) restaurant. it was soooo good. probably the best taco I've ever had in my life. this place was legit. anyway, it's funny because not planning on it, just two days ago I stuck two spanish tracts in my bag for the first time, just in case my english ones would not suffice. well, this was the perfect opportunity to give it! I'm pretty sure our waitress spoke english too, but it seemed appropriate to give the spanish one. I prayed for her, and her co-workers at the restaurant. (and hope to visit this delicious spot again soon!)
+stopped by hy-vee on my lunch break to get a sweet deal on fruit. raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries, three for 5 bucks!!! raspberries are my second favorite fruit ever. I also snagged a pinneapple and a few bananas. I was on duty this whole weekend so I thought a nice fruit salad might be nice to have while I'm all cooped up in the dorm! this also gave me my opportunity to give out my tract to Julie, my cashier.
+stuck on a very quiet campus, God still gave me an opportunity to give out a tract on my rounds. I was in building A and handed a girl one while she was on her way out.
+my friends were home so we ordered a pizza! I love to order pizza, it makes me feel cool. I was glad, because this would be a prime opportunity to give a tract. but when I tried to offer our delivery man a tract, he unhappily said, "I've already read that one." I just said okay and then prayed for him.
+so again, on my rounds, another opportunity to hand a girl walking in building M a tract while I was walking out. she looked at me really weird with an "okay..." all I can do is just smile.
+this morning my lovely duty phone rang at 8:30. lockout. I was actually excited that God had given me an opportunity so early in the day! I prayed for James today.
Luke 9:24
If you try to hang onto your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.
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