Friday, March 12, 2010

gospel minded.

+went out sharing, the first girl we sat by was 90% sure, and understood that she had never accepted Christ, but wanted to. we didn't pray right there, but I firmly asked her to read the tract before she went to bed that night.
+walking away, I noticed one of my classmates that I've been praying for sitting by herself. we actually walked passed her, and I told my friend, "we have to go back." the night before I had actually just specifically written her name down on my prayer list, this had to be God leading! we talked, and Katherine said she had actually been approached before, "probably by our friends." she was really content with the idea that everyone was going to heaven. she had read a tract and told me that I should just keep mine. this wasn't what I was hoping for, but God still answered my prayer in giving me that opportunity to talk to her. God can break through. and, she still has to see me in class for the rest of the semester...Lord, use me!

+a friend and I went to dinner at jason's deli. long ago I worked at applebee's and my old manager was now working here! Arturo was one of my favorites. it was good to catch up with him, and he gave me 50% off my meal! yes! I gave him a million dollar tract and was encouraged when I saw him intently reading it as we sat down to our booth. I also gave one to the guy that we paid at the register. maybe they will talk about it. I really just love it when God brings past friends into my life to give tracts to. all day I had been anxiously awaiting to go there, planning to give a tract, and He put someone I knew right in that place. He is so creative! I pray they get saved.
+later, I had to take care of an inventory with one of my residents. we finished and were just chatting, and then he asked me if I was a part of the rock, and I said yes and then eventually it led into the gospel! his roommate actually slammed the door on us while we were talking, but I was immediately reminded of Romans 1:16. I pray Dan gets saved, and would get the courage to come to the rock one night.

+stopped by taco bell, and handed one of the workers a tract.

+another late nighter, I was walking out trying to find a pagan and actually ran into one of my favorite people ever! if you've read the beginning of my blog, it was actually the sister that challenged me to give out a tract a day. she offered me a ride back to my dorm, but I told her I was on my tract mission still. she got out, and went with me to find someone. all of the sudden this mass of people came out of the parking garage. we awkwardly weaseled our way into the middle to a girl and I handed her a tract. I think I startled her because I was wearing my hood and she took a couple steps back, but I trust she'll remember it and read the tract. I have no idea why God led me to her specifically, and I felt like a fool, but I trust He will use it and I pray for her salvation.

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