+I handed a tract to a girl walking out of the fine arts building this night.
+had a coupon for bath & body works, so I gave a tract to my cashier, Diane.
+my GA for my p&a lab did not show up this day for class, but some of us waited for awhile anyway. I ended up walking out with a girl named Alison. I actually had my very first college class ever with this girl, intro to comp, 3 years ago! I had remembered her and have been praying for an opportunity. here it was! as we parted ways I handed her the tract. again, it's so funny who God will bring back into your life. man have I learned so much from Him since then.
+had to stop and get some necessities at baker's. I gave a tract to my kind cashier, Caya.
+walking out of hper after class, I ended up by another fellow classmate. we talked about nothiningness (class, test scores, boring world stuff...) and as he started to walk away I handed him a tract. Rick also lifeguards with Brian (a guy I had given a tract to awhile ago) during my swimming class so I see them often. maybe they will talk about it. maybe they will turn to Christ.
+my college friends all ate at arby's this day as well. I was one of the last to order and my cashier asked what we were a part of. I explained and asked if anyone had given him a tract yet. he said no, so I handed him one. I prayed for him.
+after church we all ate out at taco bell. I hadn't given out my tract yet, so I selfishly went first in line, so I could give my tract to Ron. he asked what it was about and I said, Jesus. he kind of just smiled and shook his head, while he set it to the side. but I still think he'll read it.
+another cool story, these random high schoolers walked in and one guy asked us if we were all together, and what group we were a part of. we all started scrambling for tracts & literature-my sister handed him info and some of our brothers went over to him and shared the gospel. how crazy he just--asked us who we were! I pray he gets saved and would come to church or the rock sometime.
+walking back to the dorm from the parking garage, I knew I still hadn't given out a tract. I prayed, and then there was one girl just sitting at a picnic table. thank you God for nice weather, picnic tables, and a girl!!
+on my way to a meeting, I stuck two tracts in my pocket. walking past me was a guy and girl. I handed them both a tract.
+I had a meeting with a professor today. on my way to his office, I ran into another classmate. he is in my swimming lane for class. it's quite difficult to hand a tract to someone in the water so it's been more challenging to reach that class, but God still provided! he took the track kindly and said he would read it. we do these cool down "walk and talks" when we're all done with our swimming workouts, so I'm anxious to see what Andrew will say the next time we have class.
Isaiah 26:12
Lord, You will grant us peace; all we have accomplished is really from You.