Tuesday, February 16, 2010

million dollar doughnuts.

+so I don't know what the deal is with my recent doughnut posts...but somehow it seems to be a theme! today I went to hy-vee to get a bunch of doughnuts for my residents tomorrow that will be attending my morning program. I explained to my cashiers why I was buying 4 boxes of doughnuts-they were super nice. I had to buy two separate orders because I was buying some things for myself as well, and needed to have two different receipts. well I got done paying and I gave both of them "million dollar" tracts. James was super excited and loudly claimed that he just got a million dollars. he also said, "the message really changed your life?!?!" I said, "yes! it did!" my sacker, Amanda was not as excited but she still took the fake bill. what was funny was that I started to leave with my cart but James came running after me telling me my UNO hy-vee card didn't work. the lady behind me in line must have been real confused seeing me try to pay with what looked like a fake credit card and fake million dollar bills...haha. we just ran the card again and all was well. but when I went back the million dollar bill peeking out of James's pocket caught my eye. would others see it and ask him about it too? will he share that message with his other co-workers? I pray they read the bills and that the message changes their lives too.

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